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PhD in Law
Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional,International and Administrative Law Educational and Scientific Law Institute Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University |
Petrovska Iryna Igorivna was born on November 3, 1984 in the city of Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Ukraine.
In 2006, Iryna Petrovska graduated from the Master’s degree in the specialty ‘Law’ at the Law Institute of the Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian National University, majoring in ‘Jurisprudence’, qualification: lawyer, law teacher.
In 2011, she obtained the scientific degree of candidate of legal sciences, majoring in administrative law and process, financial law and information law.
In 2014, she received the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Constitutional, International and Administrative Law.
In 2020 Iryna Petrovska graduated from the Master’s degree in the specialty ‘Economics’ the Faculty of Economics of the Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian National University and received the qualification ‘Economist, a professional in the applied economy’.
Since 2011, he has been teaching law at the Educational and Scientific law institute of Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian National University
Iryna Petrovska is the author of more than 100 scientific and methodical publications
List of last publications:
- Petrovska I.I. Legal basis of public administration of foreign economic activity in Ukraine. Actual problems of improving the current legislation of Ukraine. Issue 65, 2024. P.107-119. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15330/apiclu.65.1.107-1.119
- Petrovska Iryna. Tax control among controlling legal relations. Actual problems of improving the current legislation of Ukraine. Issue 63. 2023. C. 52-62. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15330/apiclu.63.1.52-1.62
- Ihor Kovbas, Mykola Koval, Iryna Petrovska, Pavlo Krainii, Yuliia Kotsan-Olynets. Problematic aspects of regulatory consolidation of administrative legal personality of public councils. Rivista di scienze giuridiche. Jus- online 2/2023 pр. 192-205. DOI: 10.26350/18277942_000119.
- Petrovska Iryna Administrative services in the legal system of Ukraine. Actual issues of improving the legislation of Ukraine. Issue. 59, 2022. P. 154-167 DOI: https://doi.org/10.15330/apiclu.59.154-167
- Kravchuk, M. Petrovska, I. The main directions of anti-corruption activities in Ukraine and their legal regulation. Actual problems of jurisprudence. 2021. Issue 2. P.49-56. URL: http://lib.pnu.edu.ua:8080/handle/123456789/15748
- Petrovska Iryna. Theoretical and legal characteristics of the concept and purpose of free economic zones. Actual problems of improving the current legislation of Ukraine. Issue 53, Ivano-Frankivsk: Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Ukraine. 2020. P.156-166. URL: https://journals.pnu.edu.ua/index.php/apiclu/article/view/4544
7. Petrovska Iryna. Legal principles of public control over information security in Ukraine. Actual problems of improving the current legislation of Ukraine. Issue 49. 2019. P.13-23.
- Iryna I. Petrovska, Volodymyr I. Rozvadovsky, Iryna R. Ptashnyk, Olga A. Grytsan. Fundamentals of Nuclear Safety State Management in Ukraine. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics. Volume IX, Issue 5(35), Fall 2018. P1745-1753 DOI: https://doi.org/10.14505/jarle.v9.5(35).28 .
- Iryna І. Petrovska, Volodymyr I. Rozvadovsky, Iryna R. Ptashnyk, Olga A. Grytsan. A human right can be in conflict with one or several other human rights. Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana. Año:23, n°82 (julio-septiembre), 2018, pp.159-169 (Universidad del zulia.maracaibo-Venezuela. ISSN1315-5216/ISSN-e:2477-9555). DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1495822
Participation in a collective monograph:
Petrovska Iryna. Public administration of the functioning of free economic zones in Ukraine: issues of improvement. Scientific approaches in jurisprudence: collective monograph. International Science Group. Boston: Primedia eLaunch, 2020. 213 p (10s) URL: https://isg-konf.com/wp-content/uploads/Monograph-USA-Legal-isg-konf.pdf
Petrovska Iryna. Legal principles of public service activity during the war. Section 3.6. The main directions of modernization of the Constitution of Ukraine in the context of Ukraine’s accession to the European Union: a monograph / edited by Volodymyr Rozvadovsky. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2023. P.238-263 (25 p.). URL: http://lib.pnu.edu.ua:8080/bitstream/123456789/17355/1/ilovepdf_merged.pdf
Provides teaching disciplines:
- “Administrative Law of Ukraine”,
- “Tax Law”, “Administrative Services”,
- “Administrative Responsibility”,
- “Legal Principles of Public Control”, etc.
Research interests: administrative law and process, financial law, information law.